Breaking free from the settling mindset and striving for more in life

Settling for Less Than You Deserve? Time to Change.

I was drying my hair with my new hairdryer today and it got me thinking… The old hairdryer was slow to dry my hair, and I hadn’t even realized it until my Mum pointed it out. So, I decided to upgrade to a 2,400-watt hairdryer, and it made all the difference! My hair was dry in just 5 minutes, which was a game-changer when trying to get out of the house with my little ones.

It got me thinking… How many other things in life are we settling for because we’ve become accustomed to them?

10 fun and free date night ideas

10 fun and free (or nearly free) date night ideas

Looking for some creative, fun and free date night ideas?

Date nights are a wonderful way to connect with your significant other and spend quality time together. However, planning a memorable date night can be challenging, especially when you’re on a budget. The good news is that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to have a great date night.

Image of various self-care ideas, including reading, taking a bath, meditating, and exercising

Prioritising Self-Care: Why It’s Important and How to Make Time for It

Do you ever feel like you’re so busy taking care of everyone else that you forget to take care of yourself? Have you ever felt guilty for taking time for yourself because you think it’s selfish? If so, you’re not alone.

21 Easy Ways To Save Money That You Wish Your Parents Had Taught You

21 Easy Ways To Save Money

‘Turn your bedroom light off when you leave the room!’ my Dad used to bellow as I’d left my light on for the 20th time that week!

I didn’t understand it at the time, but now as a parent, the sound of his voice rings in my ears as I walk past the bedroom light that’s been left on in my son’s room…again!

With rising costs and an uncertain job market, saving money is a crucial part of managing your personal finances. So, today I’m sharing my 20 easy ways to save money that I’m ensuring that I teach my children.